Aircraft air speed indicators – Product Familiarization

Aircraft air speed indicators – Product Familiarization


General Information

The Air Speed indicator provides the basic function of indicating to the pilot the current speed of his aircraft. The indicator is normally a 31/8” size dial face with a single pointer. Location of this indicator is typically in the top row of instruments on the left side of the panel. In a standard “T”, configuration instrument panel the airspeed indicator would be located just to the left of the attitude gyroscope.


Types of Aircraft Speed Indicators

  1. Indicated Air Speed Indicator
  2. True Air Speed Indicator (Manually Operated)
  3. True Air Speed Indicator (Automatically Operated)
  4. Maximum Allowable Air Speed Indicator
  5. Mach Air Speed Indicator
  6. F1 Air Speed Indicator
  7. Helicopter Air Speed Indicator
  8. Dual Scale Indicators


Indicated Air Speed Indicators
The Indicated Air Speed (IAS) Indicator provides the pilot with a speed-reading, which is based only on Pitot and Static pressure inputs. This type of indicator does not take into account other variable inputs such as temperature or altitude.


True Air Speed Indicator (Manually Operated)
The manually operated True Air Speed Indicator provides the pilot with a method of inputting pressure altitude and outside air temperature via a knob on the instrument face. This knob controls a sub-dial which will provide the pilot with “True Airspeed’ data


True Air Speed Indicator (Automatically Operated)
An automatically operated True Air Speed Indicator has both a temperature bulb and altitude aneroid built into the instrument. This type of indicator will always display the true speed of the aircraft without user input.


Maximum Allowable Air Speed Indicator
A Maximum Allowable Air Speed Indicator has a second pointer that is set to indicate the maximum permitted speed of the aircraft at the current altitude. This pointer is usually a red barber pole.


Mach Aircraft airspeed indicators
A Mach Air Speed Indicator indicates the speed of the aircraft as a percent of the speed of sound. When an object is traveling at the speed of sound it is traveling at Mach 1, twice the speed of sound would be Mach 2, etc…


F1 Aircraft airspeed indicators
An F1 Aircraft air speed indicators is a high-speed indicator, typically 600 Kts. or higher and typically is a drum type indicator.


Helicopter Air Speed Indicator
A Helicopter Aircraft air speed indicators is typically an Indicated Air Speed Indicator that has very low speed-readings.


Dual Scale Indicator
One Knot, one Nautical Mile, is equal to 1.15077945 Statute Miles.
One Statute Mile is equal to 0.86897624 Knots. A dual scale air speed indicator will indicate both Knots (KPH or Kts.) and Statute Miles (MPH). Always verify if the customer wants the Kts. or MPH on the outer or inner scale of the dial.

Aircraft speed indicators – Product Familiarization